Hodjapasha Dervish Ceremony in Istanbul

Sufi Music Concert & Whirling Dervish Ceremony
– Sirkeci – Istanbul – Turkiye –


PS = If your e-mail is not answered during the day, please get in touch with us on WhatsApp.
Contact : Mr Uğur ŞENGÜLER Whatsapp : +905057093384

Hodjapasha Show Start: At 19:00 Pm ( Please be there 30 Minutes Before )
Hodjapasha Show Finish: At 20:00 Pm
Hodjapasha Duration: 1 Hour
Hodjapasha Place : Sirkeci / Eminonu / Istanbul / Turkiye


PS: Everyday in Sirkeci Sultanahmet At 19:00 Pm & Extra Programme 17:00 Pm and 20:30 Pm ( Optional )
Contact :  Uğur ŞENGÜLER Whatsapp: +905057093384
E-mail : info@istanbullife.org ( 24/7 Online )


What’s Included ;
  • Tickets to the Whirling Dervishes Live Show and Exhibition
  • Free Multi-Language Booklet
  • Complimentary Beverages Prior To the Show
What’s Not Included ;
  • Optional Gratuities !!!
Cancellation Policy ;

Please Note that This Experience is Non-Refundable, Even if canceled in advance.

For the Handicapped Guest ; 

We have  15 steps to enter our venue and sadly not suitable for wheelchair users.


Important to Know ;
  • Tickets cannot be amended or canceled once booked !!!
  • Children Under 7 years of age are not allowed !!!
  • Photography is not allowed !!!
  • Please be available at the theater 30 minutes before the show time…


  • Important Notice: Latecomers are allowed to enter the Sema session first 10 minutes to allow for a peaceful ceremony.
  • Booking of visitors who come later than 15 minutes is regarded as a no-show and the ticket price will not be refunded !!!
  • The Theater is not Suitable for Wheelchairs ..
  • Don’t Take a Photo !!!
  • Extra days can be added Upon Request. Please see our Program Calendar !!!
Do This Because ;
  •  See the awe-inspiring traditional Sema ceremony that dates back over 800 years …..
  •  Step into a restored Ottoman Turkish bath…
  •  Learn the fascinating history behind this mystical Sufi Ritual…


Content ;


Introduction Video: 5 Mins
Sufi Music Concert: 10 Mins
Whirling Dervishes Ceremony (SEMA): 45 Mins

Booking Fee ;


Good News!  No Extra Fees are Applied to this booking.


Ticket Fee ; 


  • Adult: 1250 TL
  • Retired and Student: 700 TL
  • Group Discounts are Applied to Agencies and Institutions


Contact Name : Uğur Şengüler – Eren Tanık

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/istanbullifeorg
Whatsapp : +905057093384 – 05421063383
E-mail : info@istanbullife.org ( 24/7 Online )




Chinese Language ;

舞者脱去黑衣意味着摆脱凡尘 ,留下的黑带,象征自己的肉体,白褂和白裙代表真主,土黄色的高帽子象征墓碑。土耳其旋转舞不仅仅是舞蹈,更是一种宗教仪式。



German Language ;

Hodjapasha-Derwisch-Zeremonie in Istanbul
Sufi-Musik-Konzert & Wirbelnde Derwisch-Zeremonie – Sirkeci – Istanbul – Turkiye –
Hodjapasha Show Start: Um 19:00 Uhr
( Bitte 30 Minuten vorher da sein )
Ende der Hodjapasha-Show: Um 20:00 Uhr
Hodjapasha Dauer: 1 Stunde
Hodjapasha Ort : Sirkeci / Eminonu / Istanbul / Turkiye

PS: Jeden Tag in Sirkeci Sultanahmet um 19:00 Uhr & Extra Programm 17:00 Uhr und 20:30 Uhr ( Optional )
Kontakt: Uğur ŞENGÜLER Whatsapp: +905057093384
E-Mail: info@istanbullife.org ( 24/7 Online )

Bulgarian Language ;

Дервишка церемония на Ходжапаша в Истанбул
Суфистки концерт и церемония на въртящите се дервиши – Сиркечи – Истанбул – Турция –
Начало на шоуто Hodjapasha: В 19:00 ч.
( Моля, бъдете там 30 минути преди началото )
Шоуто на Hodjapasha приключва: В 20:00 ч.
Hodjapasha Продължителност: 1 час
Hodjapasha Място : Sirkeci / Eminonu / Istanbul / Turkiye

PS: Всеки ден в Сиркечи Султанахмет в 19:00 ч. и допълнителна програма в 17:00 ч. и 20:30 ч. ( по избор )
Контакт : Uğur ŞENGÜLER Whatsapp: +905057093384
E-Mail: info@istanbullife.org ( 24/7 Online )

Indonesian Language ;

Upacara Darwis Hodjapasha di Istanbul
Konser Musik Sufi & Upacara Darwis Berputar – Sirkeci – Istanbul – Turkiye –
Pertunjukan Hodjapasha dimulai: Pukul 19:00 malam
(Mohon datang 30 Menit Sebelumnya)
Pertunjukan Hodjapasha Selesai: Pukul 20:00 malam
Durasi Hodjapasha: 1 Jam
Tempat Hodjapasha: Sirkeci / Eminonu / Istanbul / Turkiye

NB: Setiap hari di Sirkeci Sultanahmet Pukul 19:00 Malam & Program Ekstra Pukul 17:00 Malam dan 20:30 Malam (Opsional)
Kontak : Uğur ŞENGÜLER Whatsapp: +905057093384
E-Mail: info@istanbullife.org ( 24/7 Online )

Estonian Language ;

Hodjapasha dervišide tseremoonia Istanbulis
Sufimuusika kontsert ja keerlev dervišide tseremoonia – Sirkeci – Istanbul – Turkiye –
Hodjapasha Show algus: Kell 19:00
( Palun olge kohal 30 minutit enne)
Hodjapasha Show lõppeb: Kell 20:00 Pm
Hodjapasha Kestus: Hodjapasha Show: Hodjapasha kestus: 1 tund
Hodjapasha Koht : Sirkeci / Eminonu / Istanbul / Turkiye

PS: Iga päev Sirkeci Sultanahmetis kell 19:00 Pm & lisaprogramm 17:00 Pm ja 20:30 Pm ( vabatahtlik )
Kontakt : Uğur ŞENGÜLER Whatsapp: +905057093384
E-Mail: info@istanbullife.org ( 24/7 Online )

French Language ;

Cérémonie du derviche hodjapasha à Istanbul
Concert de musique soufie et cérémonie des derviches tourneurs – Sirkeci – Istanbul – Turkiye –
Début du spectacle Hodjapasha : A 19:00 Pm
(Veuillez arriver 30 minutes avant)
Fin du spectacle à Hodjapasha : A 20:00 Pm
Durée du spectacle Hodjapasha : 1 heure
Lieu de Hodjapasha : Sirkeci / Eminonu / Istanbul / Turkiye

PS : Tous les jours à Sirkeci Sultanahmet à 19:00 Pm & Programme supplémentaire 17:00 Pm et 20:30 Pm ( Optionnel )
Contact : Uğur ŞENGÜLER Whatsapp: +905057093384
E-Mail: info@istanbullife.org ( 24/7 Online )

Spanish Language ;

Ceremonia de los Derviches Hodjapasha en Estambul
Concierto de Música Sufí y Ceremonia de los Derviches Remolinos – Sirkeci – Estambul – Turkiye –
Hodjapasha Inicio del Espectáculo: A las 19:00 Pm
( Por favor, estar allí 30 minutos antes )
Hodjapasha Show Finish: A las 20:00 Pm
Hodjapasha Duración: 1 Hora
Hodjapasha Lugar: Sirkeci / Eminonu / Estambul / Turquía

PS: Todos los días en Sirkeci Sultanahmet A las 19:00 Pm y Programa Extra 17:00 Pm y 20:30 Pm ( Opcional )
Contacto : Uğur ŞENGÜLER Whatsapp: +905057093384
E-Mail: info@istanbullife.org ( 24/7 Online )

Italian Language ;

Cerimonia dei dervisci Hodjapasha a Istanbul
Concerto di musica sufi e cerimonia dei dervisci rotanti – Sirkeci – Istanbul – Turkiye –
Inizio spettacolo Hodjapasha: Alle 19:00
( Si prega di essere lì 30 minuti prima )
Fine dello spettacolo di Hodjapasha: Alle 20:00
Durata Hodjapasha: 1 ora
Luogo Hodjapasha : Sirkeci / Eminonu / Istanbul / Turchia

PS: Ogni giorno a Sirkeci Sultanahmet alle 19:00 e programma extra alle 17:00 e alle 20:30 (opzionale).
Contatto : Uğur ŞENGÜLER Whatsapp: +905057093384
E-Mail: info@istanbullife.org ( 24/7 Online )

Japanese Language ;

スーフィー・ミュージック・コンサート&ダルヴィーシュ旋回儀式 – Sirkeci – Istanbul – Turkiye – (トルコ共和国
Hodjapashaショーの開始: 19:00開演
ホジャパシャ・ショー終了: 20:00時
所要時間 1時間

連絡先 : Uğur ŞENGÜLER Whatsapp: +905057093384
E-Mail: info@istanbullife.org ( 24/7 Online )

Portuguese ( Português ) Language ;

Cerimónia dos dervixes de Hodjapasha em Istambul
Concerto de música sufi e cerimónia dos dervixes rodopiantes – Sirkeci – Istambul – Turquia –
Início do espetáculo de Hodjapasha: Às 19:00 Pm
( Por favor esteja lá 30 minutos antes )
Fim do espetáculo Hodjapasha: Às 20:00 Pm
Hodjapasha Duração: 1 hora
Hodjapasha Local: Sirkeci / Eminonu / Istanbul / Turkiye

PS: Todos os dias em Sirkeci Sultanahmet às 19:00 Pm & Programa Extra 17:00 Pm e 20:30 Pm ( Opcional )
Contacto : Uğur ŞENGÜLER Whatsapp: +905057093384
E-Mail: info@istanbullife.org ( 24/7 Online )

Türkish Language ;

İstanbul’da Hocapaşa Derviş Töreni
Sufi Müzik Konseri & Semazen Töreni – Sirkeci – İstanbul – Türkiye –
Hodjapasha Gösteri Başlangıcı: Saat 19:00’da
(Lütfen 30 Dakika Önce Orada Olun)
Hodjapasha Gösteri Bitişi: Saat 20:00’de
Hodjapasha Süre: 1 Saat
Hodjapasha Place : Sirkeci / Eminönü / İstanbul / Türkiye

Not: Sirkeci Sultanahmet’te Her Gün Saat 19:00 & Ekstra Program 17:00 ve 20:30 (İsteğe Bağlı)
İletişim : Uğur ŞENGÜLER Whatsapp: +905057093384
E-Mail: info@istanbullife.org ( 24/7 Online )


How to Get to Hodjapasha Cultural Center?


It is possible to reach Hodjapasha Cultural Center on foot from both Sultanahmet and Beyoglu (Taksim, Galata, Cihangir). To find Hodjapasha, I recommend you first find Sirkeci Tram Station.


In order to get to Hodjapasha Cultural Center from Sultanahmet, you can follow the tramway from Sultanahmet Tram Station and walk down the gently sloping road. After passing Gülhane Tram Station, you will arrive at Sirkeci Tram Station.


Hodjapasha Cultural Center is in the back street of the famous dessert shop named Hakkizade 1864 (Hafiz Mustafa) on the south side of Sirkeci Tram Station. There is also Eurostars Hotel on the street where the performance hall is located.

In order to get to Hodjapasha Cultural Center from Taksim Square, you can first take the Funicular F1 from the metro station and get down to Kabatas. Kabatas is the first stop of the T1 Tram.

Is Whirling Dervish Show Worth It?
It is a must-do when visiting Istanbul. The performance will leave a forever mark on any viewer’s soul. This experience is worth so much more than the price of the ticket. Hodjapasha is one of the best places to experience the ceremony.
How Long is Whirling Dervish Show at the HODJAPASHA Culture Center ?
60 Minutes  Whirling Dervishes Live Show + Exhibition   Duration: 60 minutes (approx.)
What is the Dress Code for Whirling Dervishes in Istanbul?
The Dress Code is long Sleeves & you can take a few photos without flash and disturbing the ambiance.
Where Can I See Dervish Dance in Istanbul ? 
Hodjapasha Cultural Center : Located in the Sirkeci district of Istanbul, Hodjapasha Cultural Center offers regular whirling dervish performances. The center has a beautiful historical setting, and the performances are accompanied by live music and traditional costumes.
What Country Are Dervishes From?
Turkiye  The whirling dervishes were founded by Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī (1207-1273), known to his followers as Mevlana, ‘our master’, and they flourished in Turkey until 1926, when they were suppressed by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.
Is Whirling Dervish Turkish?
Whirling Dervish Ceremonies were started as a form of meditation by Jalaluddin Rumi, the famous Sufi Muslim mystic and poet, in the 13th century. The Persia-born Rumi — who was living in Konya, then the capital of the Turkish Seljuk Empire — told his followers, “There are many roads which lead to God.
How much Does Whirling Dervish Cost in Istanbul?


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