About US

Şengüler Travel is “A Group” licenced Travel Agency in Turkey. We have been offering different kind of tourism and cultural activities around Turkey via the internet and foreign agents since 1997. We provide the logistic background and support for Lonely Planet, Frommer’s, Gallimard, and Petit Fute,. Şengüler Has very strong international relations with foreign travel books, international Travel & Culture Tv programmes and close relationships with foreign newspapers such as Le Monde, Le Figaro, Agence France Presse etc..

We wish to help a foreigner appreciate Ancient and Modern parts of Turkey. This could, while educating a traveller, also make a local more conscious of this exquisite, metropolitan environment’s history, and future possibilities.

Here, we welcome travellers, people who try to get in touch with locals and culture, to share meals and talks with Turks whenever they can. That’s also the difference between Şengüler Tourism and Industrial tourism.