Hurrem Sultan Hammam in Istanbul
History of Hurrem Sultan Hammam in English
The pearl of the world on the historical Peninsula, Hurrem Sultan Hammam in Istanbul was designed and built by Mimar Sinan, the chief Ottoman architect. It was built at the request of Hurrem Sultan (Roxelana) the wife of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent in the 16th century (1555 -1557 AD) for Hurrem Sultan (Roxelana), where the ancient public baths of Zeuxippus (532 AD) used to stand, between the Blue Mosque and the Hagia Sophia. The hammam was built in the classical period Ottoman bath style, it was the largest hammam that Mimar Sinan was built. It was an innovation in Turkish architecture to have the sections for men and women constructed on the same axis as mirrors looking at each other.
Massage Therapies ;
Aromatherapy – 50 minutes / 100 Euro
By activating the lymphatic system, the Aromatherapy Massage aims to remove toxins from your body, decrease fluid retention, and relax you with wonderful scented oil.
Anti Stress – 50 minutes / 110 Euro
The anti-stress massage is performed slowly and rhythmically to induce relaxation of the muscles. The gentle movements from head to foot enable the muscles and tissues of the body to relax fully. This massage is particularly recommended after traditional body scrub treatment.
Back Massage – 35 minutes / 80 Euro
The back massage focuses on the head, neck, and shoulder area where many people hold their stress. The energy points are activated to improve circulation and promote relaxation.
Foot Massage – 35 minutes / 80 Euro
This traditional Chinese treatment is based on the belief that ‘the feet are the mirror of the body’ and the specific points on the soles of the feet represent different organs of the body. Foot massage focuses totally on the feet to balance the energy flow in the body and relax the mind.
Hamam Rituals ;
Pir-ü Pak – 45 minutes / 90 Euro
Use of hammam. Traditional full-body scrubbing in the warmest quarter. Relaxing bubble wash ritual on the warm marble stone. (Full body bubble massage, head and neck massage). Hair wash ritual with redbud scented shampoo.
Keyf-i Hamam – 60 minutes / 150 Euro
Use of hammam. Traditional full body scrubbing in the warmest quarter. Redbud scented moisturizing and firming full body clay mask. Relaxing bubble wash ritual on the warm marble stone. (Full body bubble massage, head and neck massage) Hair wash rituel with redbud scented shampoo. Moisturizing face mask in the cold quarter.
Zevk-i Sefa – 80 minutes / 185 Euro
Use of hammam. Traditional full-body scrubbing in the warmest quarter. Relaxing bubble wash ritual on the warm marble stone. (Full body bubble massage, head and neck massage) Hair wash ritual with redbud scented shampoo. Aromatherapy Massage with redbud scented oil in the massage room.
Ab-ı Hayat – 110 minutes / 250 Euro
Use of hammam. Traditional full body scrubbing in the warmest quarter. Organic Lavender Extract and Sea Salt Refreshing hand and foot peeling. Redbud scented moisturizing and firming full body clay mask. Relaxing bubble wash ritual on the warm marble stone. (Full body bubble massage, head and neck massage) Hair wash rituel with redbud scented shampoo. Aromatherapy Massage with redbud scented oil in the private massage room. Moisturizing face mask in the massage room. Face massage with organic face oil in the massage room. Foot massage with redbud-scented oil in the massage room. Fresh and dried fruits served on a plate. Private changing room. / Farewell gift.
PS: All products that are used in our services, are exclusively made for the Hürrem Sultan Hammam with redbud scent. All our rituals include a personal care kit consisting of a specially designed new bath mitt (kese), shampoo, hair conditioner and body lotion, natural olive oil soap, disposable anti-slip slippers, and underwear. To serve on time we kindly ask you to be present at the hamam 15 minutes before your reservation.
Events at Hurrem Sultan Hammam ;
At Hurrem Sultan Hammam, we are masters at crafting unforgettable events of every size, ensuring your group can leave their daily routine behind and connect in a deeper, more meaningful way. For our expert teams, each event is an opportunity to create new moments of magic, through attention to details, tailored experiences and flawless execution.
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Bride’s PartyPlease contact us for further information. Whatsapp: +905337385862Contact : Hakan HACIBEKIROGLU |
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Groom’s PartyPlease contact us for further information. Whatsapp: +905337385862Contact : Hakan HACIBEKIROGLU |
Хаммам Хюррем Султан, расположенный непосредственно между мечетью Султанахмет и музеем Айя-София на своеобразном историческом полуострове, являющемся мировой жемчужиной, построен архитектором Мимар Синан по указанию Хюррем Султан, жены Сулеймана Великолепного в XVI веке (1556-1557 гг.) рядом с собором Святой Софии, на месте полностью разрушенных в 532 году бань Зевксиппа. Здание в стиле османских бань классического периода выполнено в виде двойного хаммама длиной 75 м и является самой большой баней, построенной архитектором Мимар Синан. В этой бане впервые женское и мужское отделения были построены на одной оси, что является новшеством в архитектуре турецких бань.
Виды массажной терапии
Ароматерапия – 50 минут / 100 Евро
Антистресс – 50 минут / 110 Евро
Массаж спины – 35 минут / 80 Евро
Массаж стоп – 35 минут / 80 Евро
Ритуалы хаммама
Пир-ю Пак (Pir-ü Pak) – 45 минут / 90 Евро
Кейф-и Хамам (Keyf-i Hamam) – 60 минут / 150 евро
Зевк-и-Сефа (Zevk-i Sefa) – 80 минут / 185 евро
Аб-и Хаят (Ab-ı Hayat) – 110 минут / 250 евро
Dünyanın incisi tarihi yarımadada, Sultanahmet Cami ve Ayasofya’nın tam ortasında yer alan Hürrem Sultan Hamamı; Kanuni Sultan Süleyman’ın eşi Hürrem Sultan tarafından, Mimar Sinan’a 16. yüzyılda (1556-1557) Ayasofya’nın yanına, 532 yılında tamamen yıkılıan Zeuksippos Banyoları’nın bulunduğu yere inşa ettirilmiştir. Klasik devir Osmanlı hamamları üslubundaki yapı Mimar Sinan’ın yaptığı en büyük hamam özelliğini taşımaktadır, çifte hamam şeklinde ve 75 m uzunluğundadır. Bu hamamda, Türk hamam mimarisinde bir yenilik olmak üzere, ilk defa kadınlar ve erkekler bölümü aynı eksen üzerinde yapılmıştır.
Masaj Terapileri
Aromaterapi – 50 dakika / 100 Euro
Anti Stres – 50 dakika / 110 Euro
Sırt Masajı – 35 dakika / 80 Euro
Ayak Masajı – 35 dakika / 80 Euro
Hamam Ritüelleri
Pir-ü Pak – 45 dakika / 90 Euro
Keyf-i Hamam – 60 dakika / 150 Euro
Zevk-i Sefa – 80 dakika / 185 Euro
Ab-ı Hayat – 110 dakika / 250 Euro
Contact Name : Uğur Şengüler – Eren Tanık
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Whatsapp : +905057093384 – 05421063383
E-mail : ( 24/7 Online )
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