Kizlaragasi Medresesi Dervish Show in Sultanahmet Istanbul
Whirling Dervish Ceremony &Sufi Music Concert in Sultanahmet Istanbul

PS :Until June 1, 2024, our sema performances will be organized at 19:00 pm and 20:30 pm

20:30 pm for reservation please contact us via whatapp +905057093384

Online Reservation Click Here

Every = Monday, Wednesday, Thursday-Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
Except =  Tuesday
The show starts at = 19: 00 PM and finishes at 20: 00 PM
Price  = 800 Turkish Lira ( Adult ) Children: 600 Turkish Lira

Online Reservation Click Here

Whirling Dervish Ceremony in Sultanahmet / Istanbul


“Be a lover , a lover. Choose love that you might be a chosen one.”

This is the Ceremony of the Spiritual Whirling Dervishes of Istanbul. You will experience the ritual, show the Whirling Dervishes, take pictures, and listen to the live music of the Whirling Dervishes in Istanbul in a historical Ottoman Madrasa. We start the ceremony with live music with 4 musicians. Then 4 or 5 dervishes will come to the ceremony hall and perform the ritual. The total ceremony will be app 1 hour.



  • Experience the Unique Whirling Dervish Ceremony
  • Take pictures and videos during the Show
  • Visit one of the Historical Ottoman Buildings of Istanbul.


How Can One Participate?
You can make reservations from here ( Online ), you can E-mail us or you can visit our ticket center in advance and make your reservation in person


Sema Ceremony consists of Seven Parts ;


First Part

While whirling him arms are open, his right hand directed to the sky ready to receive God’s beneficiance, looking to his left hand turn towards the earty, he turns from right to left around the heart. This is his way of conveying God’s Spiritual gift to people.

Second Part

Is a drom voice, symbolizing God order to the creation.

Third Part

Is an instrumental improvisation “taksim” with “ney”. It represents the first breath of mankind.

Fourth Part

Is the dervishes greetings to each other…

Fifth Part

Is the Sema. It consists of four “selams”s (whirling). At the end of each selam as in the onset, the dervishes testify by appearance to God’s unity.


Sixth Part

Sema ends with a readding of the Quran and especially of the verse from SuraBakara 2, verse 115 “the East and the West belong to Allah, whereever you turn, you are faced with Him. He is All-Embracing, All-Knowing.


Seventh Part

Is a prayer for the repose of the souls of all Prophets and all believers.



Contact Name : Uğur Şengüler – Eren Tanık

Instagram :
Whatsapp : +905057093384 – 05421063383
E-mail : ( 24/7 Online )


Sufism and Dervishes

The origin of Sufism lies in the life and practices of the Prophet of Islam and the Qu’an. Sufism embraces a well-founded and thorough interpretation of Islam, which focuses on love, tolerance, worship of God, community development, and personal development through self-discipline and responsibility. A Sufi’s way of life is to love and be of service to people, deserting the ego and all illusion so that one can reach maturity and perfection, and finally reach Allah, the True, the Real.

Through the Whirling Dervishes program we hop to bring to you a hint of one of the remarkable ways of achieving this: the way of Rumi, the great Muslim mystic and poet. The Order of the Whirling Dervishes is one branch of the vast Sufi tradition of Islam. The universal values of love and service shared by all Sufis are very much relevant to the social and political realities of today, and this ritual, which is only performed by the Order of the Whirling Dervishes, has come to symbolize these values in the hearts and minds of millions throughout the world.

Contact Name : Uğur Şengüler – Eren Tanık

Instagram :
Whatsapp : +905057093384 – 05421063383
E-mail : ( 24/7 Online )


舞者脱去黑衣意味着摆脱凡尘 ,留下的黑带,象征自己的肉体,白褂和白裙代表真主,土黄色的高帽子象征墓碑。土耳其旋转舞不仅仅是舞蹈,更是一种宗教仪式。





İstanbul’da Kızlarağası Medresesi Derviş Gösterisi  — İstanbul’da Sema Töreni & Tasavvuf Müziği Konseri

Her = Pazartesi, Çarşamba, Perşembe-Cuma, Cumartesi ve Pazar
Hariç = Salı
Gösteri saat 19:00’da başlayacak ve 20:00’de sona erecektir.
Fiyat = 800 Türk Lirası ( Yetişkin ) Çocuklar: 600 Türk Lirası

Sultanahmet / İstanbul’da Sema Töreni

Contact Name : Uğur Şengüler – Eren Tanık

Instagram :
Whatsapp : +905057093384 – 05421063383
E-mail : ( 24/7 Online )


Kizlaragasi Medresesi Derwisch-Show in Istanbul
Zeremonie des wirbelnden Derwischs und Sufi-Musikkonzert in Istanbul

Jeden = Montag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag-Freitag, Samstag und Sonntag
Außer = Dienstag
Die Show beginnt um = 19: 00 PM und endet um 20: 00 PM
Preis = 800 Türkische Lira ( Erwachsene ) Kinder: 600 Türkische Lira

Zeremonie des wirbelnden Derwischs in Sultanahmet / Istanbul

Contact Name : Uğur Şengüler – Eren Tanık

Instagram :
Whatsapp : +905057093384 – 05421063383
E-mail : ( 24/7 Online )

Indonesian Language ;

Pertunjukan Darwis Kizlaragasi Medresesi di Istanbul
Upacara Upacara Darwis yang Berputar & Konser Musik Sufi di Istanbul

Setiap = Senin, Rabu, Kamis-Jumat, Sabtu, dan Minggu
Kecuali = Selasa
Pertunjukan dimulai pukul = 19: 00 malam dan selesai pukul 20: 00 malam
Harga = 800 Lira Turki (Dewasa) Anak-anak: 600 Lira Turki

Upacara Darwis Berputar di Sultanahmet / Istanbul

Contact Name : Uğur Şengüler – Eren Tanık

Instagram :
Whatsapp : +905057093384 – 05421063383
E-mail : ( 24/7 Online )


French Language ;

Spectacle de derviches Kizlaragasi Medresesi à Istanbul
Cérémonie des derviches tourneurs et concert de musique soufie à Istanbul

Tous les jours = lundi, mercredi, jeudi-vendredi, samedi et dimanche
Sauf = mardi
Le spectacle commence à = 19:00 PM et se termine à 20:00 PM
Prix = 800 livres turques ( Adulte ) Enfants : 600 livres turques

Cérémonie du derviche tourneur à Sultanahmet / Istanbul

Contact Name : Uğur Şengüler – Eren Tanık

Instagram :
Whatsapp : +905057093384 – 05421063383
E-mail : ( 24/7 Online )

Spanish Language ;

Espectáculo de derviches Kizlaragasi Medresesi en Estambul
Ceremonia de los derviches giradores y concierto de música Sufi en Estambul

Todos = lunes, miércoles, jueves-viernes, sábados y domingos
Excepto = martes
El espectáculo comienza a las = 19: 00 PM y termina a las 20: 00 PM
Precio = 800 Liras Turcas ( Adulto ) Niños: 600 liras turcas

Ceremonia de los Derviches Remolinos en Sultanahmet / Estambul

Contact Name : Uğur Şengüler – Eren Tanık

Instagram :
Whatsapp : +905057093384 – 05421063383
E-mail : ( 24/7 Online )

Italian Language ;

Spettacolo dei dervisci di Kizlaragasi Medresesi a Istanbul
Cerimonia dei dervisci rotanti e concerto di musica sufi a Istanbul

Ogni = lunedì, mercoledì, giovedì-venerdì, sabato e domenica
Tranne = martedì
Lo spettacolo inizia alle = 19:00 e termina alle 20:00
Prezzo = 800 lire turche (adulti) Bambini: 600 lire turche

Cerimonia dei dervisci rotanti a Sultanahmet / Istanbul

Contact Name : Uğur Şengüler – Eren Tanık

Instagram :
Whatsapp : +905057093384 – 05421063383
E-mail : ( 24/7 Online )


Japanese Language ;


料金 = 800トルコリラ ( 大人 ) 子供: 600トルコリラ


Contact Name : Uğur Şengüler – Eren Tanık

Instagram :
Whatsapp : +905057093384 – 05421063383
E-mail : ( 24/7 Online )

Korean Language ;

이스탄불의 키즐라가시 메드레세시 데르비시 쇼
이스탄불의 소용돌이치는 데르비시 의식 & 수피 음악 콘서트

매주 = 월요일, 수요일, 목요일-금요일, 토요일, 일요일
제외 = 화요일
쇼는 = 19:00 PM에 시작하여 20:00 PM에 끝납니다.
가격 = 800 터키 리라 (성인) 어린이: 600 터키 리라

술탄 아흐멧 / 이스탄불의 소용돌이치는 데르비쉬 의식

Contact Name : Uğur Şengüler – Eren Tanık

Instagram :
Whatsapp : +905057093384 – 05421063383
E-mail : ( 24/7 Online )

Portuguse Language ;

Espetáculo de dervixes Kizlaragasi Medresesi em Istambul
Cerimónia dos dervixes rodopiantes e concerto de música sufi em Istambul

Todos os dias = Segunda-feira, Quarta-feira, Quinta-feira-Sexta-feira, Sábado e Domingo
Exceto = Terça-feira
O espetáculo começa às 19:00 e termina às 20:00
Preço = 800 Liras Turcas ( Adulto ) Crianças: 600 Liras turcas

Cerimónia dos dervixes rodopiantes em Sultanahmet / Istambul

Contact Name : Uğur Şengüler – Eren Tanık

Instagram :
Whatsapp : +905057093384 – 05421063383
E-mail : ( 24/7 Online )

Russian Language ;

Шоу дервишей Kizlaragasi Medresesi в Стамбуле
Церемония кружащихся дервишей и концерт суфийской музыки в Стамбуле

Каждый = понедельник, среда, четверг-пятница, суббота и воскресенье
Кроме = вторника
Шоу начинается в = 19: 00 вечера и заканчивается в 20: 00 вечера
Цена = 800 турецких лир (взрослый) Дети: 600 турецких лир

Церемония кружащихся дервишей в Султанахмете / Стамбул

Contact Name : Uğur Şengüler – Eren Tanık

Instagram :
Whatsapp : +905057093384 – 05421063383
E-mail : ( 24/7 Online )

Greek Language ;

Kizlaragasi Medresesi Dervish Show στην Κωνσταντινούπολη
Τελετή περιστρεφόμενου δερβίση & συναυλία μουσικής σούφι στην Κωνσταντινούπολη

Κάθε = Δευτέρα, Τετάρτη, Πέμπτη-Παρασκευή, Σάββατο και Κυριακή
Εκτός = Τρίτη
Η παράσταση αρχίζει στις = 19:00 μ.μ. και τελειώνει στις 20:00 μ.μ.
Τιμή = 800 τουρκικές λίρες ( Ενήλικες ) Παιδιά: = 800 τουρκικές λίρες: 600 τουρκικές λίρες

Τελετή στροβιλιστή δερβίση στο Σουλταναχμέτ / Κωνσταντινούπολη

Contact Name : Uğur Şengüler – Eren Tanık

Instagram :
Whatsapp : +905057093384 – 05421063383
E-mail : ( 24/7 Online )




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